Awards, Accolades & Press reviews
Module 4 Received a “Vintage Guitar Approved Gear” Badge from Vintage Guitar Magazine

“Musical, warm and vintage-sounding, users will find Steely Dan-adjacent sounds and while the Full Frequency Range mode yields a brighter, clearer sound, perky funk tones can be had in the vein of Nile Rodgers and Prince. Regardless of settings, the Module 4 delivers touch-sensitivity and responsiveness. Tone shaping? Boost? Sustain? Oh, yeah!”
Module 4 Received Recognition from American Songwriter Magazine as One of the Best Compressors

“The Module 4 adds some very, very clever engineering to make it absolutely a first-rate modern device. To start with, it has a blend knob for parallel compression which the original never had and it also employs attack and release adjustment knobs so you can finely tune in your precise preferences for when the compressor circuit grabs and lets go of your signal. This is a huge asset to have so that each player can dial it in based on their own individual instrument and playing style.”
Module 4 Premier Guitar Review: “Revisiting and expanding a vintage compression flavor, yields inspiring results!”

“An Orange Squeezer-inspired compressor is a distinctly different flavor of dynamic control. If simply imitated, that shade of compression might not be for everyone, but the Module 4’s expanded functionality stretches the boundaries of what a Squeezer can be in very cool ways. If you prefer primitive compressors with few controls (and what sane player doesn’t), you should not fear the Module 4’s extra dials. They are easy to use and offer real tone-crafting power. Better still they modify an engaging, often striking basic voice that can be practical and transformative in many musical situations.”
Read the glorious review of the Module 4 compressor pedal by Premier Guitar.
Module 4 Review by GuitarPedalX

“This has fast become both the year of the Delay, and the Compressor – with so many great new options – and this is another top top candidate. You know with DryBell that you’re going to get pristine studio quality sounds – with those extra smart features. The design of this pedal is so clever really – with that perfect complement of controls to get the very most out of a compressor.”
Module 4’s In-depth Review for Bass Guitar by

“Here’s the deal. Many manufacturers claim “pro audio” or “studio quality”. There is no doubt that DryBell fits the description. With the Module 4 you can dial in super warm and squishy compression or light, airy, and sparkly compression. This would be the engine to select for more of that “tone mojo” we often talk about. The nod to the Dan Armstrong legacy is there but then you have the Full Frequency mode which is quite neutral and transparent by default. There is something here for everyone. Again, everything about DryBell oozes quality.”
Module 4: Sound on Sound Review - "Feels Like Home"

“I’ve owned and used a lot of compressor pedals over the years, starting with, of course, an original Orange Squeezer and then an early MXR Dynacomp, through to some of today’s sophisticated, parallel-path, optical designs, but DryBell’s Module 4 just feels like home. It’s what I have always wanted a compressor to be and seems to have the vocabulary of compressed guitar sounds as I want to hear them. From the same box, however, I can get most of the sounds I look for in many of my other compressor pedals, too.”
Find out why Module 4 ‘feels like home’ in this great review by Sound on Sound.
Module 4: "One of the Most Musical Compressors" – Tinkercity Music Review

“The Module 4 is one of those great tools that can work as simply as you prefer or as deep as you decide to dig. I found running various sources into it, using the TONE, BLEND and PREAMP controls yielded the most enjoyable and quickest results. Most of the time, in sessions of any form… finding your tone quickly is the most valuable resource. The Module 4 works really well in that regard. I found once I found general OUTPUT, ATTACK & RELEASE settings, I could simply make small movements of the remaining controls to get what I needed. I will say the Module 4 has the most usable tone control circuit I’ve ever encountered on a compressor pedal.”
Module 4 In-Depth Review by Bonedo

“Module 4 impresses above all with the, in a positive sense, sound-coloring vintage compression and with the tone and blend potentiometer it is also prepared for “more modern” applications. Particularly noteworthy here are the numerous switching options for bypass mode, low-end cut and the optional expander, which can minimize the slightly increased noise floor at higher preamp and tone settings.”
Module 4 Review by Delicious-Audio

“The DryBell Module 4 recreates the vintage Orange Squeezer by adding a lot more control, not to mention modern upgrades to the circuit, which boasts lower noise, expanded headroom and sound resolution.”
Module 4 Review by The Sound Parcel

“The Module 4 is a compressor that covers more ground than almost any other compressor out there. And… for all the Orange Squeezer faithful’s, DryBell thought enough to include the EXACT parameters you’d need, directly on each knob. Just look for the dots around the controls, aim the 6 knobs and you’re in OS heaven.”
Discover how Module 4 accurately recreates the tiny orange box in The Sound Parcel review.