Vlatko Ćavar-Brada has been a DryBell pedals supporter from the very beginning

Brada is a Croatian Rock ‘n’ Roll guitarist, known as a member of the “Psihomodo Pop” rock band. With a lifelong dedication to the guitar, he not only excels in playing but also delights in crafting his own guitar pickups.

A longtime friend and supporter of DryBell, Brada has been a devoted user of the Vibe Machine, Unit67, and The Engine pedals for years, incorporating their unique tones into his signature sound.

His connection to the DryBell brand runs deep, as he appeared in the first official demo of the Vibe Machine V-1, and in the official demo of the Unit67.

You can check out Brada's contributions to the DryBell demos here:

Vibe Machine V-1:


Vlatko Cavar’s – Brada from Psihomodo Pop pedalboard featuring DryBell Unit67 and The Engine.
Vlatko Cavar’s – Brada from Psihomodo Pop pedalboard featuring DryBell Unit67 and The Engine.

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